Welcome to the District Two General Service Committee!

We hope to provide you with all the information that you will need to best serve your group as its GSR (General Service Representative).  You are vital to ensuring that your home group is connected to AA. As a whole and we are excited to be a part of your journey with general service!  We have a new GSR orientation every month at 2:00pm right before our monthly business meeting.

It is suggested that you consider joining one of our standing committees after you decide what interests you the most. Feel free to check out multiple committees and how they serve the district two body. Additional information on each committee is available on our website.

Also, many former GSR have found it helpful to attend our monthly GSR/DCM sharing sessions led by our alt. District Chair. This forum is open to all members of District Two and can be quite informative! The sharing session begins at 2:00 pm on the same day as out regular business meeting.

See Main Committee Page for meeting dates/times

New GSRs:  Here is a link to download the “New GSR” packet of information. Please click HERE