About Us

District 2 covers Hillsborough and East Pasco Counties.   It is part of Area 15 (South Florida) which is shown in the following map.


Panel 71 District 2 Vision:   Create an active district by encouraging group participation and engagement to exchange ideas, information, and inspiration with the fellowship about General Service and carrying the message with gratitude in action.

All members are welcome at our monthly meetings. Monthly meeting information located on Home page 

Virtual contribution options are being discussed at both the Area and District level.   In the meantime, please mail your contributions to the addresses below.   PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR GROUP NAME AND NUMBER on the check or the check has to be returned uncashed as we are fully self-supporting.


District 2 Treasurer
P.O. Box 20623
Tampa, FL 33622

Area 15 Panel 73 Treasurer
PO Box 590835
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33359-0835

General Service Board of Alcoholics Anonymous
Post Office Box 2407
James A Farley Station
New York, NY 10116-2407